Wow. I'm getting stuff done! Each time I bend down to pick a fruit loop off the floor without wincing is a joyful occasion. Being pregnant is a beautiful miracle...but by the time the 3rd trimester reared it's ugly head, I was so over it. I'm excited about being able to get out in the yard again; I've got some split-leaf philodendrons I'm itchin' to completely destroy. I'm excited about quilting again - thanks to being able to crawl around on the floor to baste and stand-up-sit-down to iron. Yeah, baby! I'm back! Here are a few pictures to let you in on what's been going on:
About a year and a half ago, I started on a stacked coin quilt and never finished it. Why was it relegated to the bottom of the project pile for so long? The ignoramus in me thought it would be cool to try out 1/4" straight-line quilting. Picture many monotonous hours at the sewing machine. Picture a really cruddy job of sandwiching the quilt, which evolved into a really bunched up backing. Now, fast forward to about a week before O was born. He needed a quilt, so I dusted this little Michael Miller/Amy Butler quilt off, finished quilting it [no matter the many flaws], bound it up in a nice complimentary blue, and deemed it suitable for my sweet boy. I love that it's actually complete! There's nothing like scratching a project off the To Do list, especially one that you thought you'd never get the gumption to finish. And, I actually really love it, bunched up back and all. All I've got is an extreme close-up; O was busy laying on it at the time.
Up Close and Personal |
The following is a quilt for Miss P. I never made her one when she came into this world and I figured it was about time. The pattern is a fun freebie, courtesy of Elizabeth Hartman of Oh, Fransson! - a favorite quilting blog of mine. She calls it the New Wave quilt, and I've got all sorts of fabrics that would do wonders with this pattern. The fabrics in P's quilt were purchased as a quilt bundle from my go-to online fabric store, Fabricworm. The owner does a really fabulous job of picking out fabrics from various designers that look amazing together. She sells them as fat quarter or half-yard quilt bundles. It's a lot of fun to browse the fabrics she's coordinated...and extremely hard to not buy something for a future project. The New Wave quilt uses 12 fat quarters and some neutral sashing yardage. I'll be quilting this puppy soon. P will be ecstatic; the backing fabric is an ode to Owls, a Suzanne Ultman fabric.
New Wave Quilt for Lil' Peezy |
Suzanne Ultman Kiss Me, Hoot Hoot Spring |
I had some extra fabric left over from the bundle, so I played around a bit with the scraps and came up with a wall hanging...or a really small quilt. It's 40x40, and I used the Wonky Cross tutorial on the Oh, Fransson! page. It was fun putting together, but I can't say that I'm loving the finished product. I'm going to go ahead and quilt it anyway; maybe it'll charm me then.
Impromptu Wall Hanging |
That's all for now! What have you been up to?