Thursday, September 29, 2011

Roasted Cauliflower

H and I love cauliflower.  My husband claims he doesn't like it.  This recipe didn't change his mind, but another one did (more on that cauliflower recipe soon). 
roast at 450 degrees 20-25 minutes
 The only thing I did differently from the Everyday Food recipe pictured above, besides not measuring, was use smoked Spanish paprika instead of regular paprika.
I bought some cauliflower plants before I researched cauliflower and discovered that it's not one of the easiest vegetables to grow. Wish me luck!  Any cauliflower growing tips?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paleo Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs

Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs

For the meatballs, I mixed ground pork and ground beef with Italian sausage seasoning, Italian herbs, and garlic powder, along with salt and pepper.
 I browned the meatballs in batches in coconut oil.  I'm using my electric skillet, the same one I used when we were staying in a hotel for a month.  (We were searching for a house at the time, and we were getting sick from eating fast food - our hotel room didn't even have a microwave.  That's when we decided to do the Whole 30.  We bought an electric skillet and I cooked our meals every day in a niche between the bedroom and the bathroom.  And yes, I washed dishes in the bathtub!)
After all the meatballs were browned, I added onions and sauteed them.  Then I added this:
Look at the ingredients!
Before I added the tomato puree, I turned the temperature way down because tomato products spatter like crazy.  If your pan isn't hot, they won't explode everywhere.
I added some garlic and salt to the tomato puree and then I added the meatballs.  I let the mixture simmer, covered, until done.
Now on to the spaghetti squash.
I cut the squash in half and removed the seeds.
I put the one half of the squash in a microwave safe dish (Pyrex!) with a little water and microwaved the squash for about 8 minutes.  Then I cooked the other half of the squash the same way.
My assistant used a fork to make the spaghetti.  She loves this part.
I seasoned the squash with salt and pepper.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Before and After: Day 3

I used spray paint for the first coat, but it looked like this:
After one coat, I could tell that spray paint wasn't going to work on this nightstand.  It did a great job on the wood used for the drawer, but the wood on the nightstand is different.
See how nice and shiny the edge of the drawer is. 
After a few rain delays, I went to Home Depot and bought a can of paint and paint rollers.  Hopefully I'll be able to get a nice finished nightstand using the right materials.  


Monday, September 26, 2011

A Post About Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets That Will Blow Your Mind!

So, I was browsing Apartment Therapy the other day and ended up skimming the comments on a post about cool lampshades or adding a shot of color in unexpected places or somebody's chic post modern bungalow in Toluca Lake when I came upon something that pretty much rocked my world.  Though the idea was beyond simple, it was right up my alley, and something I put into practice that same evening.  Read below for the scoop.  And you're welcome.

KITCHEN TIP: Once you've put the last dish in the dishwasher and wiped the last Cocoa Pebble from your counter, take just a minute more and clean one of your cabinet fronts.  A once daunting task, such as cleaning your kitchen cabinets, is now - PRESTO! - manageable.  

While they may never be all clean at the same time, at least I know that every 25 days each cabinet in my kitchen is getting a little rub down from yours truly.  Call me crazy, but that makes me feel just a little more sane and a lot less gross [since, before tackling this new tactic, I couldn't remember the last time my cabinets had seen the business end of a dish rag]. 

Plus Quilt

I blogged about this quilt a while ago - it's the Plus Quilt, and a tutorial is available from In Color Order.  I finished this quilt before we packed up our things and moved to Alabama, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
The quilt was easy to make, and H loves it.
The backing is a solid from Connecting Threads.  I'm starting to love solids.  I straight line quilted .25 inches from the seams of each block.  You can see I got lazy and only stitched one line vertically!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Baked Kale Chips

I'm no stranger to kale.  I love it!  I first discovered it when I wanted to make Creamy Parmesan Swiss Chard Gratin for Thanksgiving a few years ago.  There was no Swiss chard to be found in Lake Charles, so I substituted kale and it was a hit.  I still make it every Thanksgiving.  

For the baked kale, I pulled the leaves off the stems, washed the leaves and dried them.  I preheated the oven to 375 degrees and spread the dried kale leaves on a parchment lined baking sheet.  After a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of salt and pepper, I put them in the oven.  Here's where I made a mistake.  I started vacuuming the bedroom and forgot about the kale in the oven.  Here's the result:

I'm going to try this recipe again, but this time I'll hang around the kitchen for the 10-15 minutes it takes for the kale to get crispy. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Before and After: Day 2 - Priming the Nightstand

This morning I assembled everything needed for priming the nightstand.  There's primer, a sanding block, a damp cloth, disposable gloves, and newspaper.  I spread the newspaper on the ground and sanded the parts of the nightstand that I filled with wood filler yesterday.  Next I used the damp cloth to wipe the nightstand.  Then I sprayed with primer, following the directions on the can.  
nightstand with 1 coat of primer
 I'm off to spray the nightstand with 1 more coat of primer.  Tomorrow is painting day, and it's supposed to rain.  Hopefully I'll get the piece painted before the rain comes.  I can't wait to see the finished product. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Before and After: Day 1 - Sanding and Filling Holes

This nightstand has been following us every time we move.  I know it's not mine, and Mr. Moore, Please doesn't remember where it came from.  We both agree that it needs a little work.
At our New York apartment, H was using this as a sewing table.  Before I let her bring it upstairs at our new house, I wanted to give it a makeover.  
 I gathered sanding blocks, wood filler, a putty knife, spray primer (not pictured), spray paint, and new knobs.  I also used a screwdriver to remove the hinge.
 Always put your hardware and screws in a bowl - a tip from my dad.  Next, I sanded the piece.  It took both sandpaper blocks to remove the finish from the nightstand.
 Then I filled the holes using wood filler and a putty knife.  I will let the putty dry before continuing tomorrow.  See you then.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brick Pad for Doggies

This was the exit for the doggie door.  With two dogs, I was spending a lot of time sweeping up dirt they had tracked in.  So, husband and I headed to Lowe's, armed with a $10 off a $50 purchase coupon we received in the mail.  Lowe's loves us!  Not really.  We got the coupon because we moved.  That's what the mailer said. 

While there, we almost got lazy and bought rubberized mats to place on top of the dirt.  They're sold right next to the paving stones, so you know they would work great!  Plus, buying rubberized mats required no thinking at all - just put them in the buggy and check out.  Instead, we did math on the fly.
Twenty-four paving stones, sand, a level, and two salvia plants later (the plants are to attract hummingbirds - nothing to do with a brick pad), we got to work.  
 Keep in mind, we are not professionals.  All my knowledge on laying bricks for a walkway comes from watching and listening to my mom and dad when they bricked a patio long ago.  First we put down sand and leveled it.  
 Next came the pavers. 
Sand is heavy, so I watched while Mr. Moore, Please poured the sand, and we both worked it in between the pavers.
 Penelope was the first to try it out.  She needed a little coaxing.
 This was a small area, so it didn't take long at all.  We have wild ideas about paving a walkway from our back gate to the patio, so I'm glad we tried this small space first.  Plus, it looks lots better than rubberized mats.  Another plus - the dogs aren't tracking in as much dirt anymore.  (I hate sweeping.)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Need Some [Paleo] Inspiration?

I'm always on the lookout for someone or something to light a fire under me...especially when it comes to staying healthy and fit.  Here are some links that do just that:

Read about Paleo Parents and appreciate their honesty, which includes underwear pictures!

Tackle a few posts from  

Now, I'm off to share more almond-raisin-coconut flake trail mix with P!

source:  National Geographic

Favorite Things: Suave Dry Shampoo

There are many things I can thank you for, sister.  Some of those countless things include: letting scared little me crawl into your twin-sized bed at night when I was just a wee lass, introducing me to potato leek soup and chocolate espresso fudge cake [neither of which I've had in ages...ahem], explaining the ins-and-outs of the somewhat intimidating coupon system, and - drum roll - sending me a free sample of Suave dry shampoo spray!

Woohoo!  I love this stuff.  So, yeah, there are instances when this sometimes-frazzled mother of two delightful and energy-requiring children goes more than 24 hours without getting her head under a faucet.  [Sharp intake of breath.]  The horror!  For some women with enviable locks, this would be no big deal.  For me, however, over the course of the day, my hair can sometimes look like the Exxon Valdez let loose on top of my noggin.  When that happens, I'll be reaching for this nifty product.  Not only does it de-oil your hair, but it also adds a little oomph.

Send more stuff!  Send more stuff!  

source:  Suave

Monday, September 5, 2011

At the Shooting Range

Rule #1 at the Shooting Range:  Don't lift up one side of your shooting ear muffs because you can't hear what your husband is saying.  Someone is likely to be shooting a big gun that makes a big noise that temporarily deafens you.
Rule #2 at the Shooting Range:  Don't stand too close to someone firing a weapon because the spent casing can hit you in the side of the head, get trapped in your sunglasses, and burn your temple. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So Happy!

P enjoying paleo cake!
Sorry for the lapse in posting.  I've got a good reason - we've moved closer to home!  I am so happy to be back in the south.  The only downside of moving to Alabama from New York is that it's not LouisianaTo solve this little dilemma, I'm getting my whole family to move here!  Ya hear me Cormiers, Moores (both brothers), and McGregors?

Lauren and Baby O at the Botanical Gardens

Lauren and her family came to visit!  I got to meet Baby O and spend some time with P as well.  I haven't seen Lauren and her family in a year, so their visit was a welcome one.  I didn't want them to leave! 

P and Penelope (L-O-P)

Me and O
Come back any time.  I miss you already!