Sunday, May 22, 2011

Favorite Things: The Snowman, Troy, New York

 It's hardly an exaggeration to say that this Southern girl was adamantly opposed to moving to Albany.  Hurricanes I can handle, but snow?  After living through one winter here I know I can't handle snow.

Orange Creamsicle

But if you wait a while, something wonderful does happen in Albany when the snow melts - ice cream shops open for business.  (One shop owner told J that he operates his ice cream stand in the summer and operates a snow plow in the winter.) 

Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream
The best ice cream place around the Capital Region is The Snowman.  Located in Troy, NY, The Snowman has been cranking out homemade ice cream for more than half a century.  Not only is the ice cream tasty, but I love the location.  The houses are old and gorgeous with tons of character, people are sitting on the front stoop talking with their neighbors - it's just happy.  I'm happy when I go to The Snowman, and it's not just because of the ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. I remember The Snowman! It was part of our Ice Cream Shop Tour of 2010! Yummy.

    Thanks for posting this the day I hop back on my Health and Fitness Wagon.
