Yesterday was the day. I'm back on the wagon, baby! I logged into my old SparkPeople account yesterday morning and tracked all my foods and activities throughout the day. And it was such a great day! I worked in the yard! We went walking through the neighborhood as a family! I ate sensibly and snacked healthily and I wasn't hungry all day!
They say you only need about 300 extra calories a day when you're pregnant, which is a perfect segue into a conversation about Needs vs. Wants. I'm pretty sure for the last 5 or 6 months I've been eating 2 or 3 times the amount of calories I need - baby or no baby. Add that to the fact that I haven't exactly been a Fitness poster child since October, when I stopped going to my local CrossFit box, and you've got the state I'm in now: unfit and about 40 pounds overweight.
Well, no longer! I'm reclaiming my healthy lifestyle. While I might hold off on CrossFit for a bit [mostly for financial reasons], I've established a Family Walk tradition for the afternoons and I'll be working in the yard a little each day. And it's just the beginning! I'll keep you posted.
Want to join me?
I got a new treadmill in January and I get on it religiously 6 days a week. I've noticed that I'm more toned, but until I can stop stuffing food in my mouth, that's about all I'll be. So, yes, I'll join you.